Home Page : Current Page

About this site

The Bishop's Hull Website is provided as a resource for residents and visitors to Bishop's Hull village. The site contains information on various social and business activities, and provides information useful to residents and visitors on the range of business and leisure activities to be found in this area.

The website was set up as a Parish Council initiative in 2005 following requests from villagers in response to the Parish Plan. Jill Coldicott, Larry Fogg as Webmaster, Martin Hamer and Gordon Everett, initially developed the site. Financial support came initially from the Parish Council, Taunton Deane and Somerset County Council.

The Website works for and on behalf of the Parish Council, which has ultimate editorial control.

The Website is a vehicle for the PC to promote the village and its activities as well as providing statutory information. Liability for the Website lies with the Parish Council, although it does not control all information published on the Website but delegates authority to publish documents to other organisations in the village.

The Website was re-launched in November 2010 following extensive work by Jill Coldicott, design work and support from Steve King, and support from Gordon Everett representing the Parish Council.

All these people gave their time and expertise to the development of the site on a voluntary basis:

  • Jill Coldicott
  • Larry Fogg
  • Gordon Everett
  • Steve King
  • Martin Hamer
  • Dave Jorgensen

Content Policy

Businesses in Bishop's Hull are provided with a free listing in the business directory, showing their principle business activity and contact information (postal, e-mail, telephone and website address).

Community groups, charities and not-for-profit organisations operating in the area are encouraged to provide at least one page that describes the organisation, provides contact information and a link to an external website as required. You may also create unlimited 'news' and 'article' pages at any time to further promote the activities of your organisation.

News of forthcoming events in the village is highlighted from the home page.

Updates will normally be carried out within 10 days of receipt, unless particular urgency applies.

Copyright Bishop's Hull Parish Council 2005 - 2010.