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Access Group (Fledgling Centre) Kelly Enfield or Lynne Johnstone 333663 (Kelly) or 07786 277213 (Lynne)
Art Group Rose Humphries 277633
Bishop's Hull Family History Group Bob Steed 288089
Bishop's Hull Book Club Pam Mildon 284625
Bishop's Hull Pre-school Vicky Livings  
Bishop's Hull Primary School Rachel White (Head Teacher) 331624
Brownies Sheena Grinter 331184
Car Boot Sales David Jorgensen 282369
Church Council (PCC) Rev Phil Hughes 336102
Church Hall Committee Belinda Luke 289537
Community News Helen McGladdery 07518 144614
Community Room and School Hall Rick Moon 354908
Community Woodland Group    
Cricket Club Paul Bulbeck 283941
Flower Show Committee Amanda Gallacher amandasgallacher@gmail.com
FBC Activities Carolyn 283941
Frank Bond Centre Nadia 338242 or 07989 970165
Golden Group Keep Fit Session Karie at Castle Sports Centre 322934
Infinity Martial Academy Jon 07736 714370
Parent and Teacher Association Donna King 331783
Parish Council Helen McGladdery (Clerk)

07518 144614

Pilates Liz Grant 338409
Robin Close Community Hall Alexandra Penny or Sarah Leyman 254336
Slimming World Judy or Sheena 256010 (Judy) or 07517 441766 (Sheena)
Somerset Hills Chorus Brenda Palfrey 07857 244272
St Margaret's Hospice Elisha Hodge 365601
St Peter's and St Paul's Church Rev Phil Hughes 336102
Tai Chi Bev Fernandes 07880 555984
Tae Kwon Do Sebastian Morey-Weale 07900 517767
The Castle School   274073
Taunton Ululele Strummers Club Tim Lewis 07719988773
Village Events Group Trina Baker 251743
Village Hall and Playing Field Trust Paul Bulbeck 283941
Women's Institute Andrea Ridley 610475
Zumba/Zumba Gold Jackie Bradford 07949 735139