Bishop's Hull Cricket Club

The club was formed in 1912, matches played were friendly in nature, being played on land owned by the Farrant family.

By 1976, difficulties were being experienced, particularly relating to available pitches, and so the club folded. The playing field as we know it today was a small sloping field suitable only for football.

When the school moved sites in the late seventies, several like-minded people, led by Sybil Gwyther, secured the playing field for community use. The joint arrangement document with Somerset County Council was created, setting up shared usage of the facilities, including the field.

The chairman of the trust in the early eighties was John White. Together with other interested parties, the cricket club was re-founded in 1984 and was able to use the newly levelled field, which had the provision of a cricket square. Funds were raised locally and the team initially played friendly matches. In 1986 we joined the West Somerset League in addition to our friendly matches. Numbers of players grew, helped particularly by setting up a youth section in 1988, something which has helped to sustain the club over the years.

Apart from moving to the Somerset League from 1998 to 2003 we have remained with West Somerset.

We now have two senior teams playing in the league and three youth teams (under15, 13,11) playing in the Taunton Youth League. Several of the older boys have "graduated" to the senior league sides.

We now have 40 senior members and a similar number of youth players.

Finances, as with most clubs, are a major issue. We are very fortunate to be sponsored by "The Old Inn", where we also have meetings and adjourn after games!!

We also have a number of local businesses who sponsor match balls.

Without sponsorship we would not survive financially without raising substantially our club fees.

We have managers/coaches at each level together with very supportive parents.